
We hope you enjoy the metamorphosis of our tadpoles online as we watch at school. We'll keep you posted on the changes we are noticing each day. While you are waiting, you may want to read some of the books listed on tadpoles and frogs.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Student Finds Frog

Third Grader, Bradley found a few frogs this summer with his cousins visiting from Singapore. They found these frogs in a creek and kept them for a few days in a tank. Brad thinks he found leopard frogs and a big bullfrog. He fed them a variety of critters like a butterfly, grasshopper, spider, minnow, and cicada. The cicada seemed to be the favorite on the menu. Check out his pictures!

Summer Growth

Summer fun for Pin. Pin hasn't grown too much this summer, but he does hop around the tank like crazy. He eats a dozen small crickets each week.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Pin in June

"Pin did a flip and was chasing a bug." by David and Anthony
"He walked on the side of his tank." Ella and Matthew
"He doesn't seem to be eating the fireflies." Jaclyn

Pin's Latest Developments

First graders, Sonia, Botand, and Chris L. have been feeding Pin flies, fireflies, and other insects. We haven't seen him eat anything, but the bugs disappear after a while!

Poor Jade

Jade the tadpole still has no legs. She misses her friend Pin, but she seems happy swimming around.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Frog Friends

I found these tiny frogs 45 minutes from Chatham. They were in a big lake. I am researching frogs in the library to find out more about them!
Collin. P.

A New Home for Pin

Pin has moved to a new home. It looks like Pin may be a bullfrog afterall. Crickets are in his tank, but he hasn't eaten them yet. Jade seems sad in her water tank all alone. Pin seems to like his new wet and dry environment. He isn't used to hopping yet and flops about. He is very nervous around students and hides most of the time.

Metamorphoses Miracles of Memorial Day

Pin's changes over the long weekend were amazing! His tail is shrinking away, his color has darkened, and he is breathing air. There are no changes for Jade.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Almost a Frog!

Just overnight Pin's front legs popped out! He seems to be enjoying swimming about, landing on Jade, and sitting on the leaves. He will need to be moved to a dryer tank with some water and rocks. Until Jade changes, she will have to remain alone in the water tank. Hurry up Jade - Pin is waiting for you!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Mystery May Be Solved

Last week our students were very curious as to why Jade isn't changing into a frog. We visited a website called http://www.bullfrogs.com/Bullfrog-Tadpoles.html
We discovered a few facts which may solve Jade's Mystery!
1. The Bullfrog tadpole has an arrowhead-shaped body with a dorsal fin that actually begins behind its body. Tadpoles are actually quite large.
2. Bullfrog tadpoles have speckled-brown skin.
3. A Bullfrog tadpole has the ability to re-grow its tail if it loses it to a predator or by some other means.
4. Bullfrog tadpoles can remain in the same state for as long as one to two years before they actually become adult frogs!
5. Once the tadpole matures into an adult Bullfrog, it will be one of the largest frogs in the world, a carnivorous predator that will eat just about anything it can fit into its mouth!

Monday, May 10, 2010

No Changes for Jade

Jade has no changes! Her little leg buds didn't come yet. I wonder if Jade's little legs will ever grow. It's a mystery that just can't be solved. We just have to give it more time. (Nate 3LC)

May Update

Pin's legs are getting big. There are no changes with the other tadpole, Jade. Tadpoles may need up to 5 weeks to change. Pin's webbed feet help him swim, but we see no front leg buds yet. My frog powerpoint will be posted soon. I can't wait until they become frogs.
(Jack 3LP)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Changes Are Happening!

I have noticed that Pin is getting his back (hind) legs. We are working on a frog report to post onto this blog. (Nick 3LC)
I went to my Dad's creek and my brother caught a frog. I knew it was a frog because it had smooth skin. (Matty 3LC)
One of our tadpoles in the library has hind leg buds. I've seen frogs back in the rainforest in Puerto Pico in my neighborhood. (Sasha 3LC)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Differences Between Frogs and Toads

Frogs have webbed feet, but toads don't. Frogs live near water, but live on land. Frogs have a narrow body, but toads don't. There are many other differences with frogs and toads, but they also have a lot in common. (Ryan 3SP)
Our tadpole, Pin, has been growing his hind leg buds. They are webbed which means he is a frog. (Marissa 3SP)
Our tadpoles keep moving their mouths. They are chewing the plants. (Megan 3SP)
Some frogs don't have poison behind their eyes. Poison Dart Frogs do. Toads also have poison behind their eyes. (Patrick 3SP)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Prince of the Pond

Prince of the Pond is the best book ever. Pin is a prince who was changed into a frog by a hag. (Imogen 3JC) Pin can't pronounce a few letter sounds. The narrator in the story can't understand him. (Anja 3JC) The library tadpoles' names come from the story. (Jocelyn 3JC) One of our library tadpoles, Pin, is growing legs. Pin is enjoying a nice spot under the plant which is his food. (Jared 3JC)

Frog Eggs and Toad Eggs

The frog eggs are different from toad eggs because frog's eggs are in a blob. Toad's eggs are in a string shape.
(Matthew 3JC)

I like to catch frogs in my grandparents' pond. I can catch a lot. They have legs, but our tadpoles in the library tank don't.
(Quinn 3JC)

Friday, April 16, 2010

Milton Avenue School's New Pets

Third graders at MAS are enjoying their library read aloud, Prince of the Pond, by Donna Jo Napoli. Although the book is fiction, it contains a lot of factual information about frogs and their life cycle. To make connections to the book, we decided to watch the metamorphosis of tadpoles in our library.